Providing support for people is our mission. Through partnerships with charitable organisations, we want to reach those who are in urgent need for help and assistance. Here are our partnerships.

Save the Children
Save the Children is the leading independent children’s rights organisation. The organisation works to ensure that every child has a future – in Switzerland and around the world.
Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In Switzerland and around the world, their projects give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, and children are most vulnerable, their teams are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. They ensure children’s unique needs are met and their voices are heard. Save the Children does whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.
Example of their work:
Save the Children provides psychosocial support for children in emergency situations trough what are called “Child Friendly Spaces”. These spaces provide children with a safe environment where they can participate in activities to play, socialize, learn and express themselves. It’s a place where children can simply be kids, despite the trauma or stress they’ve endured.
Whether in a mobile container in a refugee camp, a tent after an earthquake or a room in an asylum-seeking shelter – the concept of Child Friendly Spaces is adapted to the circumstances, ensuring to provide the support needed for children.
Would you like to support their work? Every contribution makes a difference where it is needed the most!
The Children of Ukraine Need Our Help !
The current situation in the Ukraine is terrible for everyone, but children especially are greatly in danger. From health issues and injuries to deep psychological damage, children in the Ukraine have been in distress since the beginning. We want to help Save the Children raise funds and hope for your support. Because every war is a war against children.
Help us and donate for children in emergency situations. Every Euro is important.
Thank you very much!

The Helpnet also tries to get personally involved and wants to help people who may not have the financial means. That is why we cooperate with various institutions in order to use the help where it is really needed.
Psychoconnexion, Université de Lille, France.
Help us helping others in need. Thank you!
Support The Helpnet financially
The Helpnet was founded to help people live happier, healthier and happier lives through preventative mental health work.
We want to promote learning about mental health and show that mental stability and health has an impact all aspects of life.
We want to create happiness for everyone through the happiness of each individual.
And for this, you sometimes only need someone who is willing to listen.
That is exactly what we want to achieve. At any time, in any place, in any language and culture.
If you love our cause and what we are trying to build, help us by sending us a little financial boost.
We are grateful for every contribution and donation!
Thank you!