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How to improve Assertive behavior

How to Be More Assertive at Work: Your Ultimate Guide to Assertiveness


What is being Assertive ?

Assertive­ness is an impor­tant skill that can help you bet­ter man­age your­self, peo­ple, and sit­u­a­tions. It can help you influ­ence oth­ers to gain accep­tance, con­sent or behav­ior change. It is the abil­i­ty to express your opin­ion pos­i­tive­ly and with con­fi­dence. Assertive peo­ple are in con­trol of them­selves and are hon­est with them­selves and oth­ers. The need to be clear about one’s own wants and needs, con­sid­er­ing the rights, needs and wants of oth­ers. When you are assertive, you are con­fi­dent and draw pow­er from it to get your point across firm­ly, objec­tive­ly, and with empathy.

How to be Assertive ?

It’s no longer con­stant­ly easy to end up greater assertive, but it is possible.

  1. Val­ue Your­self and Your Rights:  This self-notion is the idea of self-con­fi­dence and assertive con­duct. It’s going to help you to appre­hend which you need to be dealt with with dig­ni­ty and appre­ci­ate, come up with the con­fi­dence to paste up in your rights and defend your bar­ri­ers, and to remain authen­tic to your­self, your wish­es and your needs.
  2. Voice Your Needs and Wants Con­fi­dent­ly: Do not await a per­son else to appre­hend what you want. You would pos­si­bly wait for­ev­er! Take the ini­tia­tive and begin to pick out the things which you need now. Then, set desires so that you can obtain them.
    Locate approach­es to make requests that keep away from sac­ri­fic­ing oth­ers’ needs. Recall, you need peo­ple that will help you, and solic­it­ing for things in an exces­sive­ly com­pet­i­tive or pushy way is like­ly to posi­tion them off doing this and might even harm your relationship.
  3. Express Your­self in a Pos­i­tive Way: It is cru­cial to men­tion what’s for your thoughts, even when you have a tough or ter­ri­ble trou­ble to deal with. How­ev­er you have to do it con­struc­tive­ly and sensitively.
    Don’t be afraid to stand up for your self and to con­front folks that chal­lenge you and/or your rights. you can even per­mit your­self to be irri­tat­ed! but remem­ber to manip­u­late your feel­ings and to stay respect­ful always.
  4. Be Open to Crit­i­cism and Com­pli­ments: Accept both advan­ta­geous and bad com­ments gra­cious­ly, humbly and def­i­nite­ly. In case you don’t believe griev­ance which you receive then you def­i­nite­ly need to be orga­nized to say so, how­ev­er with out get­ting pro­tect­ing or irritated.
  5. Learn to Say “No”: This is one of the most impor­tant point for being assertive. It acts a bal­anced cri­te­ria. Telling “no” is hard to do, main­ly when you’re no longer used to doing it, but it’s crit­i­cal in case you need to emerge as extra assertive. Know­ing your per­son­al lim­its and how much work you are able to tack­le will help you to manip­u­late your duties more suc­cess­ful­ly, and to pin­point any regions of your process that make you sense as although you are being tak­en gain of.
  6. Review Your Progress: This could be the last step. Each time that you strive out your assertive­ness, spend a cou­ple of min­utes in a while ask­ing your self, “How did I take care of that?” “What did I do nice­ly?” “What may I do dif­fer­ent­ly next time?” this can main­tain you on the right track and help you to pick out areas for development.
    In case you enjoy a set­back, do not allow it deter you. rather, try to ana­lyze from it. It is essen­tial to rec­og­nize your suc­cess­es and pre­serve your dis­as­ters in angle.


You could dis­cov­er ways to be extra assertive through the years by way of fig­ur­ing out your wants and needs, express­ing them in a superb man­ner, and get­ting to know to say “no” when you need to. you may also use assertive com­mu­nique tech­niques to help you to com­mu­ni­cate your thoughts and emo­tions firm­ly and directly.

It like­ly won’t man­i­fest overnight but, with the aid of prac­tic­ing these tech­niques often, you will slow­ly increase the con­fi­dence and self-notion that you need to emerge as assertive. You’ll also like­ly locate that you become more pro­duc­tive, effi­cient and respect­ed, too.


- Mufi­na, M.S.C.P., D.M.H., D.B.M.P.,

Psy­chol­o­gist, India.



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