Über “Magdalena Rukundo”
About me
Hello, I’m Magdalena Rukundo, a systemic counsellor and social worker based in Germany. I have a passion for hearing people’s life stories and connecting with them on a deep level. With a background in Social Work and a focus on diversity and intersectionality, I’ve gained insights into discrimination and developed sensitivity to avoid perpetuating it. I am fascinated by the systemic approach to counseling, which offers eye-opening perspectives without imposing rigid notions of how to live.
Throughout my career, I have worked extensively in the field of migration, helping individuals with language acquisition, career development, welfare, health, housing, and psychosocial support. Alongside this, I embarked on a three-year training to become a systemic counsellor and therapist, allowing me to offer my services as a self-employed professional.
I am committed to supporting individuals in their personal growth and assisting them in navigating life’s challenges. By embracing a systemic perspective, I empower my clients to gain insights into their social and intrapsychic systems, enabling positive change. My counseling approach is client-centered, emphasizing their expertise and unique problem-solving abilities. I define my success as a counselor based on my clients’ satisfaction with the process and outcome.
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