Become part of the team
From all over the world we are working together on The Helpnet, because we are all convinced that it is something that is missing in our everyday life.
We all work remotely and with all our heart.
You want to join our team? do not hesitate to send us your CV and tell us your skills! We need all the help we can get.

Meet the whole team

Jessica Rodrigues
“I decided to join The Helpnet because I wanted to learn more about mental health and help raise awareness about: Mental Health issues, the importance of accessing mental health services, and asking for help when we need it.”
Jessica, the Portuguese Ticinese studying in Geneva translation and communication, joined The Helpnet Team in March 2022. She wants to specialise in digital communication and creates video content for Instagram and TikTok. We are happy to be able to draw on her ideas and have her as part of the team.

Lena Neumann
“In my psychology studies I already dealt with the topic of online therapy and the many advantages of it excited me. People can easily talk to each other from a place where they feel comfortable, through The Helpnet we have the possibility to help people all over the world and even in their native language!”
As a psychology student, Lena starts her internship at The Helpnet at the end of April 2022. She is not only supporting the team in the tests&quizzes, but also conducting the orientations interviews with the clients! We are happy about her commitment and dedication!
Thank you Lena.

Josephine Hundertmark
“Being a medical student i think we have to look at the whole patient and acknowledge that the mental health and wellbeing plays a big role as well even in physical illnesses. thats why i wanted to work besides my study in a company, that focuses on mental health. i love working directly with the clients and Counsellors, i think it is very rewarding!”
Josephine started in March 2022. She is the perfect addition to our administration team as she is very ambitious, systematic, organised and quick to implement. We are very happy to consider her as part of the team.

Dejan Petrovic
“What i appreciate about the helpnet is it taps in all the potential of the web. Because of the distance and/or out of shame, many prefer the anonymity the helpnet provides. Here, we can lend everyone a blind ear, and then offer a hand.”
Dejan has been part of the team since February. Thanks to his experience with psychology research, he is a great help in the creation of our tests and quizzes. His contribution in all other fields rounds off this Valaisan addition to the team. Thank you Dejan!

Amanda Biedermann
“I am passionate to work at The Helpnet because I myself have been dealing with mental health issues since 2014. I think it is so important for everyone to have the opportunity to receive the help that they need and deserve; with The Helpnet, this will be achieved.”
Amanda joined the marketing team in April 2022 and works mainly on PR. An important task, which she achieves thanks to her calmness, conscientiousness and enthusiasm for psychology and marketing. Since then, we are grateful for her work and are happy to count her as part of the team.

Radeeyah Karodia
“The Helpnet is the perfect place for me to nurture and improve my skills as a budding psychologist. Since the beginning as a member of the team, I’ve watched the site grow from just a few counsellors to a full fledged and widely varied collection of professionals, and I am so excited to see what else is in store for The Helpnet!”
Radeeyah is a full-time psychology student and started as an intern in May 2021. She is now part of the support team, helping clients with the orientation calls and the counsellors with their profile. We are very thankful for her work and support and are looking towards a wonderful and lasting relationship as an aspiring psychologist being part of The Helpnet.

Asmae Boutallaka
“My purpose is to help people with their Mental Health issues. With the Helpnet I can do it.”
Asmae has a bachelor degree in psychology and started her master in psychoanalysis and works as an intern since March 2021. She is also part of the support team on The Helpnet and we are happy to have her support!

Anushka Chakraborty
“Calling The Helpnet inspiring would be a major understatement. It is the perfect platform with a mix of innovation, creativity, freedom, and curiosity — which makes it the ideal place to be for young minds like me.”
Anushka joined The Helpnet in May 2021 as an intern and is our little chick in the company. But don’t be fooled by her young age. She has put her soul and heart in it. She is now a junior project manager in charge of The HelpTalks and started recently her studies in Psychology in England. We are very proud to have her a part of The Helpnet.

Victoria von Helden
“For me, The Helpnet is the appropriate place to create an open yet familiar atmosphere for successful collaboration.”
Victoria joined us in November 2021 and started as an intern. She is taking care of The Helptalks and we are very happy that she decided to stay and to have her be part of the team from now on!

Filip Oroz
“I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such a great young team and I hope we will all grow together!”
Filip is still in his master studies about computer science, but we are very happy that he has decided to become part of the team in 2022 and to bring The Helpnet further with his knowledge! He will be working alongside Akshit and the shy IT specialist Cristi. We thank you for your contribution!

Maleeto Memela
“Caring for one’s mental health is not only important, but it’s also empowering. I believe the Helpnet is an innovative platform to help individuals access and share positive ideas, resources, and services that are vital to mental wellbeing. I’m thrilled to contribute my part to this purposeful network!”
Maleeto is a biology student and joined the support team in 2022 to help counsellors for their profile. We are happy to have her support. Maleeto is also one of The Helpnet social media faces which we are very grateful for!

Kimberly Camatta
“I have always believed that therapy can bring out the best in us. Working in the marketing area for the Helpnet helps me understand more about mental health and how important it is to bring awareness to this topic because, at the end of the day, we all need to improve ourselves. I believe this platform in this platform and I’m happy to be part of the Helpnet team.”
Kimberly started her internship in January 2023 and is working on the social media part of The Helpnet. We are very grateful for her work and help to keep the social media running and to be able to draw out of her naturally flowing ideas!

Laura Rammé
“Mental health has always been a subject close to my heart and its limited access has preoccupied me even before I started working for The Helpnet. Therefore I am grateful to be part of the movement to break the stigma around mental illnesses and contribute, so that others can get access to the support they need.”
Laura is our head of social media. She is from Bohmerang GmbH and accompanies, supports The Helpnet from the very beginning. We are very glad to have her at our side as part of the marketing team and see how the community is growing thanks to her!

Hendrik Müller
“Mental Health and Wellbeing is something that concerns us all – it’s a great privilege to support The Helpnet in preventing mental illnesses and offering help wherever it is needed.”
Hendrik is part of the marketing team coming from Bohmerang GmbH and is responsible for the Public relation for The Helpnet. He is like Laura responsible for the marketing strategy and at The Helpnet side from the very beginning.

Joanna Bessert-Nettelbeck
“The Helpnet is my attempt to contribute to a better, happier, more respectful and peaceful world. ”
Joanna is our founder and CEO. She has put everything she had into The Helpnet to create a support system for everybody.