0,00 / Рік

  • Profile video 29 €
  • The HelpTalks interview 49 €
  • Profile set up by 99 €
  • Advertise on our website 9 € week

You have dif­fer­ent pos­si­bil­i­ties to get noticed even more:

Pro­file Video: 

You can make a pro­file video that you can put on your pro­file. It will be a short intro­duc­tion of max. 1 min made espe­cial­ly for social media.. For that we give you a script of 5 ques­tions and we will do the work to for­mat it with our The Help­net brand. Also you will be pub­lished on our Youtube channel.

For only 29 €


The HelpTalks interviews: 

You will have an extend­ed inter­view with us, that will be not only fea­tured in Social media but also in our Newslet­ter. This is where we go real­ly deep. Anoth­er great and effi­cient angle for the client to dis­cov­er you and your work.

For only 49 €


Pro­file Set up: 

Some of you don’t have the time to set up their pro­file. This is not a prob­lem at all. We can help you and will do it for you. You pro­vide us with the infor­ma­tion need­ed and we set up every­thing. So you have no hus­tle and you gain time. 

For only 99 € (every addi­tion­al change lat­er on each costs 5 €)


Addi­tion­al fea­ture on the website:

You want to grow your busi­ness and clien­tele even more and need more adver­tise­ment? We offer you a free space on our page for a whole week! You pro­file will be even more vis­i­ble and will get more noticed than any oth­er pro­file. 

For only 9 € / week