0,00 / Рік

55 €  / new client

5% / consultation


More Info



With the Advanced tar­iff, you get all the ben­e­fits of the Basic (increased vis­i­bil­i­ty, a clean pro­file with your own page on which you can present your­self) and on top of that you are able to send out and sched­ule con­sul­ta­tions, even with clients out­side of The Help­net and do group discussion/ ther­a­py. You have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to send out quick con­sul­ta­tion that starts imme­di­ate­ly to any email you want.  Also you have access to our blog that is pub­lished not inly on the web­site, but also in our newslet­ter and there­fore increase your visibility.

There is no month­ly fee and you are still flex­i­ble. You only pay when you actu­al­ly work and receive clients!

Per new client you pay a one-time fee of 55 € to The Help­net as com­mis­sion (will be invoiced month­ly). After that, you are as always free to choose how you want to work with your clients (The Help­net, Zoom, What­sApp, Google Meet, etc).

If you want to use our tools like secured pay­ment, vir­tu­al wait­ing room with mag­a­zines and news­pa­pers and the encrypt­ed video con­sul­ta­tion room, we will charge you an addi­tion­al 5% for each con­sul­ta­tion at the end of the month.

If you have any ques­tions, just write to us. We will be hap­py to answer those!

