Why a bad mood ?
A bad mood is not only emotionally and physically exhausting for the person affected, but also for those in the immediate environment.
It can lead to unnecessary conflicts and also have a significant impact on the mood of others, because, according to Charles Dickens, bad moods are also very contagious!
But what does it mean to be in a bad mood? Or rather, what information can we draw from it?
A bad mood is a negative feeling that all of us know. A certain situation or other topics that acutely burden us, as well as unspoken discrepancies, lead to negative feelings and thus have a significant effect on our own mood. This can already be triggered by very unimportant, small inconveniences. A series of annoying little things can cause a bad mood.
You know those days when everything just goes wrong?
You spill coffee on your blouse in the morning, miss the bus because of it, and then your gloating colleague criticises you for it. Sometimes nothing works out and it really spoils our mood. But this can of course also affect more far-reaching areas of life: For example, an unspoken problem or an argument with a family member can cause you to get in a bad mood right away just thinking about the person or knowing that you will see each other the next day. Professionally, a lack of appreciation can trigger a bad mood in you when you get up in the morning because you have to expose yourself to this environment again at work. You slave away and accumulate overtime, but don’t get the recognition or gratitude you deserve. In friendships, slander or a stupid remark from a friend can also have a strong influence on your mood. This is also where the big problem lies, because far too often we let external circumstances, that we cannot change, influence our own feelings.
If we refer to anthropologist Paul Ekman’s 6 main emotions (anger, fear, disgust, sadness, disgust, surprise, joy, a seventh is often added and that is contempt), bad mood belongs to sadness. This is because you are sad about a situation because you tend to have no influence on it or cannot see a direct way out.
This then expresses itself in a bad mood, or anger, which is mainly expressed outwardly. Aggression towards third parties (i.e. not towards the person or thing that is the cause of the bad mood) is a misplaced reaction (projection) in such a moment, which is usually met with rejection. This then causes an additional conflict and thus only makes the situation unnecessarily more difficult.
So why do we do even this to ourselves, or is a bad mood not completely superfluous?
No, on the contrary! A bad mood brings an impulse! It is there to change and adapt to the situation! How exactly?
By causing this unpleasant feeling to arise in you, you automatically think of the problem(s). As a reaction, the following thoughts come up: “I don’t want to do this any more, or I have to get out of the unpleasant situation.” These initial thoughts then lead to actually taking the time to deal with the problem. This can lead to a withdrawal from friends or colleagues in your immediate environment who constantly make stupid remarks or loudly criticise you. Or you finally tackle the postponed conflict resolution with a family member. All this in order to maintain your own mental peace.
What should you NOT do in such cases?
Ignore it! In order to overcome the bad mood in the long term, it is better not to ignore it. You should allow it the space to “make itself heard”, to express itself and to be recognised. Because that’s where the important information is hidden that helps you find a solution to finally overcome the bad mood. If you ignore or suppress it, the cause is not eliminated and the smallest trigger can make everything come up again.
However, there are many situations in which a bad mood does not change the perceived unpleasantness. Such situations are, for example, a series of chain reactions that ultimately lead to you being late for work, to return to the example from the beginning. But here, too, you should think about why you let such supposed trivialities upset you so much again and again. Fear of getting into trouble at work and being fired? Worried about no longer being liked by your colleagues? Maybe there is an unresolved problem deep inside you that makes every little thing grow into a big mountain of frustration.
In the end, however, it is always important to find a solution, to look at the problem and think about it in order to change your own state of mind and behaviour in the future.
The negative emotions that arise in these moments are therefore good! Because they want to make you aware that you can change something, that you should change something or maybe even that something has to be changed!
What is the first step to understand the cause better?
The important thing is to understand why you are in a bad mood in the first place and then identify the problem. Like a little detective, you should start your own search by listening very carefully to the feeling and finding out when and why it comes up in you. This will point you in the right direction. You should always be honest with yourself (and others), because only then can you really change something in the long term.
Are you in a bad mood because you missed the bus, or is the cause of this overreaction buried somewhere else? You can also ask yourself questions directly, such as:
Is it related to a particular person?
Is it related to work?
Am I tired?
Am I hungry?
Am I stressed because I work too much and have too little time for myself?
How do I feel in my body?
How do the things I used to enjoy feel?
Do I still have fun at my work place and in my everyday life?
And so on and so forth…
Once you have found out the cause, you should look more closely at the issue, change things, seek discussions with others affected, or get support to solve the problem if a situation or certain aspects of everyday life no longer make you happy.
It is also important to recognise your own needs and to remain true to them. In the end, they always show you the right way and lead you to the solution.
Everyone has different strategies for dealing with stressful and annoying situations.
Do you know yours? What are they? What do you do when you are in a bad mood? Share with us your tips and tricks for when you are in a bad mood.