Dealing With A Burnout

Stress is by far the main cause for a burnout. As in mod­ern soci­ety per­for­mance is king and every­thing needs to be faster, big­ger or bet­ter, burnouts are very com­mon these days. Both exter­nal fac­tors as well as per­son­al dis­po­si­tions can lead to feel­ing dis­sat­is­fied or over­bur­dened. As such, it is impor­tant to learn how to deal with a burnout.

Burnout syn­dromes can begin with rather incon­spic­u­ous ear­ly symp­toms such as fatigue, phys­i­cal dis­tress, anx­i­ety or insom­nia, but in time can lead to a com­plete inabil­i­ty to func­tion or even suicide.

If any of these symp­toms res­onate with you, we advise you to book one of our coun­sel­lors in order to deal with your burnout before it takes over your life entirely.

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