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  2. Packages
  3. Seminar Solenn Quenet (28.1.22)


Seminar Solenn Quenet (28.1.22)

The Helptalks sem­i­nars are for you as a client not only to enable you to learn about a cer­tain top­ic, but also to give you some tips and ticks already.
You also get to know the coun­sel­lors who have spe­cialised in these top­ics for a long time

At the end of the sem­i­nar you have can ask ques­tions and at the end of the webi­nar you will receive a hand­out with the most impor­tant points.

The sem­i­nar is about 30–45min with a Q&A of 15–30min

This will be held online and can, but does not have to, take place anony­mous­ly. You do not have to give your name when reg­is­ter­ing, nor do you have to turn on your camera.
The sem­i­nars take place via Zoom due to the num­ber of par­tic­i­pants and sta­bil­i­ty of the transmission.


We look for­ward to teach­ing you every­thing you want to know about the sev­er­al topics.