The Helpnet is here to help!

Peo­ple need to feel that they are not alone, even in moments when there is no one around to talk to. Our team is dri­ven by this idea. We want to unite dif­fer­ent coun­sel­lors with dif­fer­ent back­grounds to pro­vide the help need­ed. All day, every day! 

We want to change peo­ple’s prej­u­dices and moti­vate them to take more care of them­selves. For a healthy, hap­py and sat­is­fied self.

We believe in a world and a com­mu­ni­ty where peo­ple help each oth­er. We believe in coun­sel­lors who respect all dis­ci­plines of men­tal health and are open to oth­er cul­tures and prac­tices. Each per­son is shaped, not only by their edu­ca­tion, but also by their cul­ture. We are all unique. 

Meet the Team

Our Mission

Our mis­sion is to make men­tal health­care acces­si­ble to every­one by pro­vid­ing an easy to use plat­form that con­nects licensed men­tal health­care pro­fes­sion­als with indi­vid­u­als seek­ing help.
We aim to low­er the thresh­old that keeps those suf­fer­ing from men­tal issues from seek­ing help by mak­ing it easy and afford­able for them to reach out when they most need it. All of this from the com­fort from their own home by means of voice or video calls.

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