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The HelpTalks Seminars 

The HelpTalks Sem­i­nars are all about the spe­cial­i­ty of the counsellor. 

Each sem­i­nar has a spe­cif­ic top­ic. They are a great way to learn about a spe­cif­ic top­ic and maybe even get some insight for oneself.

Every oth­er Fri­day you can par­tic­i­pate in a sem­i­nar of 30–45 min. with 15–30 Q&A

It is also a won­der­ful way to have a first inter­ac­tion with the coun­sel­lor itself. A great oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow your own knowl­edge about a cer­tain top­ic and in gen­er­al men­tal health.

Choose your coun­sel­lor or top­ic that inter­ests you, and book a HelpTalk. You can also send it as a gift for a friend !

SOLD OUT — Fri­day 14.1.2022 , 6.30pm (GMT+1)

Car­ole Nad­er, The rela­tion­ship in all its glory

This sem­i­nar is about the dif­fer­ent kind of rela­tion­ships, how to ass­es them and set bound­aries. Car­ole Nad­er will talk about all kinds of bad rela­tion­ship like tox­ic rela­tion­ships and peo­ple pleasers. She will also help you recog­nise the pat­terns for unusu­al rela­tion­ship and what options you might have in case of betrayal.

SOLD OUT — Fri­day 28.1.2022 , 6.30pm (GMT+1)

Solenn Quenet, Eat­ing dis­or­der: under­stand the symp­toms to heal and help

Solenn Quenets sem­i­nar will be about under­stand­ing what an eat­ing dis­or­der is, includ­ing what the symp­toms are, where they are com­ing from and how to iden­ti­fy them. To look at the prob­lem itself and see where the real prob­lem lies. Final­ly Solenn Quenet will give you tips and tricks and talk about the heal­ing journey. 

SOLD OUT — Fri­day 11.2.2022 , 6.30pm (GMT+1)

Car­ole Nad­er, The rela­tion­ship in all its glory

This sem­i­nar is about the dif­fer­ent kind of rela­tion­ships, how to ass­es them and set bound­aries. Car­ole Nad­er will talk about all kinds of bad rela­tion­ship like tox­ic rela­tion­ships and peo­ple pleasers. She will also help you recog­nise the pat­terns for unusu­al rela­tion­ship and what options you might have in case of betrayal.

SOLD OUT — Fri­day, 25.2.2022 , 6.30pm (GMT+1)

Lina Malessa, Stress & Men­tal Health (DE)

Recog­nis­ing stress trig­gers, strength­en­ing stress com­pe­tence, pro­mot­ing health

In this sem­i­nar, our psy­chol­o­gist Lina Malessa reveals what “stress” can hide behind in every­day life and explains why stress can mean so much more than just time stress. You will learn where stress man­age­ment strate­gies come into play and how you can use them. You can also look for­ward to con­crete tips on how to fur­ther devel­op your per­son­al stress com­pe­tence and thus pro­mote your health in the long term..

SOLD OUT — Fri­day, 11.3.2022 , 6.30pm (GMT+1)

Natalia Lefeb­vre, Eat­ing dis­or­der (FR)

This sem­i­nar will approach eat­ing dis­or­ders from dif­fer­ent angles, char­ac­ter­is­tic of the dis­ease. Natalia Lefeb­vre will analyse the dif­fer­ent symp­toms of major dis­or­ders and will pro­pose a reflec­tion on these dis­or­ders. Final­ly, she will give you the essen­tial ther­a­peu­tic axes nec­es­sary for recovery. 

SOLD OUT — Fri­day 25.3.2022 , 6.30pm (GMT+1)

Car­ole Nad­er, Sex­u­al­i­ty and its challenges 

The webi­nar is about sex­u­al­i­ty, how impor­tant it is for our well-being, how sex­u­al­i­ty evolves with age and more gen­er­al­ly with time. It’s also about what we were nev­er told because of taboos, and that we dis­cov­er when we feel trapped, about the dif­fer­ent prac­tices and their ori­gin. And final­ly, I will tell you how we acknowl­edge our sex­u­al needs defines our new under­stand­ing of monogamy.

SOLD OUT - Fri­day, 08.4.2022 , 6.30pm (GMT+1)

Mar­ti­na Holzach, Con­tem­pla­tive psychotherapy

Mar­ti­na Holzach will talk about what con­tem­pla­tive psy­chother­a­py is and what its main prin­ci­ples are. In par­tic­u­lar, she will explore and shed light on the con­cept of Bril­liant San­i­ty or Bud­dha Nature.
She will also talk about the con­tem­pla­tive view of emo­tions and explore meth­ods of work­ing with you.

SOLD OUT - Fri­day, 22.4.2022 , 6.30pm (GMT+1)

Car­ole Nad­er, Sex­u­al­i­ty and its challenges

The webi­nar is about sex­u­al­i­ty, how impor­tant it is for our well-being, how sex­u­al­i­ty evolves with age and more gen­er­al­ly with time. It’s also about what we were nev­er told because of taboos, and that we dis­cov­er when we feel trapped, about the dif­fer­ent prac­tices and their ori­gin. And final­ly, I will tell you how we acknowl­edge our sex­u­al needs defines our new under­stand­ing of monogamy.

SOLD OUT — Fri­day, 06.5.2022 , 6.30pm (GMT+1)

Sak­shi Sing­ha­nia, Cir­ca­di­an Rhythm

The body and mind affect each oth­er in fas­ci­nat­ing ways and knowl­edge of the cir­ca­di­an rhythm, i.e., our inter­nal bio­log­i­cal clock helps us move through life with ease. Cir­ca­di­an rhythm is what hap­pens nat­u­ral­ly in a cycli­cal around 24-hour peri­od in our body and gov­erns metab­o­lism, sleep-wake cycle, what time the body is best suit­ed to do what.

Dis­cus­sion about hor­mones — stress hor­mones, hap­py hor­mones make us aware of the impact they have on us and by flow­ing with the rhythm our bod­ies are designed to be, we can opti­mise our men­tal and phys­i­cal health. Know­ing about the sci­ence behind a healthy lifestyle (food – exer­cise — sleep) is pow­er and freedom!

SOLD OUT , 20.5.2022 , 6.30pm (GMT+1)

Alisa Gun­zel­mann, Get­ting unstuck: From moti­va­tion to action.

Do you feel stuck on a ham­ster wheel and it’s drain­ing your time and ener­gy?
You’re not alone in this!
A recent study found that 69% of peo­ple feel like they’re stuck in the same old rou­tine.
In our webi­nar, we’ll give you five con­crete steps to break out of it and cre­ate space for what’s real­ly impor­tant to you: — Lay­ing the Foun­da­tion
- Dis­cov­er­ing your true poten­tial
- What is hold­ing you back
- Get­ting clear on your future.
- The plan to action.

More will follow soon …

How it works

Your advantages

There are no long waiting times

Wide choice of qualified consultants

No travel or displacement is required

100% discreet, anonymous and secure

Meet your counsellor

Joanna Bessert-Nettelbeck (Founder)

The Help­net focus is the client. I want­ed to cre­ate a place where any­body could get help. When­ev­er you want; in your moth­er tongue and prefer­ably with some­one hav­ing or know­ing your cul­tur­al back­ground. And despite what peo­ple think, get­ting help is not a weak­ness but a real strength. Because it takes strength to con­front your “demons”, look­ing them in the eye and not hide from them. 

Tilo Held, Counsellor

Since I have had some uncon­vinc­ing expe­ri­ences with appoint­ment por­tals, I was very inter­est­ed in the con­cept. It quick­ly proved that Help­net did not have all the short­com­ings that had both­ered me before. Since I and my patients have been using it, it has also proved to be very user-friend­­ly in dai­ly use. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the for­tu­nate­ly not so snooty own­ers and devel­op­ers is encour­ag­ing and makes one pre­dict that I will remain loy­al to this tool and the peo­ple who offer it.

Laurence Defago, Counsellor

I dis­cov­ered The Help­net on the advice of a col­league. The con­cept imme­di­ate­ly appealed to me and moti­vat­ed me. The pos­si­bil­i­ty of pro­vid­ing online psy­chother­a­peu­tic sup­port seemed to me to be par­tic­u­lar­ly use­ful and inno­v­a­tive, espe­cial­ly in these times. The prospect of being able to offer con­sul­ta­tions almost every­where, i.e. to be able to trav­el freely for sev­er­al months or weeks a year while con­tin­u­ing con­sul­ta­tions, also seemed to me to be a hith­er­to unsus­pect­ed oppor­tu­ni­ty in my practice.

S.T. , Client

It’s in a con­text of a dif­fi­cult work sit­u­a­tion, that I was look­ing for sup­port. On the Help­net I found a coun­sel­lor who was quick­ly avail­able, lis­ten­ing, quick and par­tic­u­lar­ly per­cep­tive in her analy­sis. Our ses­sions enabled me at first to recog­nise the prob­lem and there­fore helped me improv­ing my cop­ing mech­a­nism in dai­ly life and my well-being. I got some quite sim­ple behav­iour­al and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools, that helped me clar­i­fy and improve my approach.

M.D. , Client

I was seek­ing a per­son­al and indi­vid­ual coach­ing on The Help­net and it man­aged to help me in open­ing me to new per­spec­tives and helped me get­ting an employ­ment in well-known com­pa­nies. The coun­sel­lor’s empa­thy and great analysing skills helped me to find solu­tions to prob­lems, of all kind. Doing this via video-call was not that for­eign to me and helped me espe­cial­ly when I wasn’t able to get help in an oth­er way.


I would like to thank you for the con­sul­ta­tion and its organisation.

It was very help­ful, thank you for your kind­ness and pro­fes­sion­al qualities.


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