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Starting at the beginning

How do I get accepted by The Helpnet?

Any­one who is work­ing in the men­tal health field can cre­ate a pro­file on the Help­net. You will first have to com­plete your pro­file so that we can ver­i­fy your cre­den­tials and infor­ma­tion. After we could ver­i­fy those, you will be put online and your pro­file will appear to be booked by a client. Please con­tact us if you should have more questions. 

How can I use The Helpnet in my daily work?

The Help­net can be used in a wide range of ways. You can use it as an addi­tion­al ser­vice, that you pro­vide to your exist­ing clients /patients. You can use it as an addi­tion­al income solu­tion or as a char­i­ty work, where you por­vide a cou­ple of hours of your time per month.
Also you have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to egt in touch with oth­er pro­fes­sion­als inter­na­tion­al­ly and inter­dis­ci­pli­narly and do meet­ings and get togeth­er via a secure channel.

Why are they called counsellors?

For us it is impor­tant to us to find a uni­form name. Because here it is not about what kind of train­ing one had but about the work one does and whom for.
All of the coun­sel­lors work unit­ed for men­tal health and to help oth­ers to have a hap­pi­er life and help where they can. You don’t get this moti­va­tion in an edu­ca­tion of any kind, you have it in you. There­fore we have decid­ed to use a neu­tral word.

How do I log in?

To log in to The Help­net it is very easy. Click on Login and enter your user name or email address and enter your pass­word. You will then be tak­en to your dashboard.

What is The Helpnet, and how does it work?

The Help­net brings togeth­er licensed coun­sel­lors with dif­fer­ent spe­cial­i­ties and train­ings, offer­ing pri­vate online con­sult­ing by means of a secure voice or video call. All from the com­fort of your own home, at the time you actu­al­ly need it.

To get help you must first reg­is­ter (for free) on The Help­net as a client, after which you can book an appoint­ment with the avail­able coun­sel­lors by click­ing on the book appoint­ment button.

How do I register as a counsellor?

By click­ing on the “reg­is­ter” but­ton in the top right-hand cor­ner, you will be tak­en to the reg­is­tra­tion page. Fol­low the instruc­tions and note that some­times emails can take a lit­tle longer and (in rare cas­es) can end up in spam. Once you have com­plet­ed the reg­is­tra­tion, you will need to select a tar­iff. After you have com­plet­ed the order, you can set your pro­file. If you need help with this you can get infor­ma­tion here

Why should I work with The Helpnet?

The Help­net is a flex­i­ble plat­form for easy and secure com­mu­ni­ca­tion with your exist­ing or new clients.
Thanks to the Pre­mi­um Tar­iff you can even con­tin­ue to look after your own clients even if they can­not come to you or in case of an emer­gency. You cre­ate a greater prox­im­i­ty, even if you or the client can­not be present.
Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is secure, sim­ple and com­plete­ly with­out installation.

General Things that are good to Know

What are the advantages of the premium tariffs?

Both pre­mi­um tar­iffs have the same functionalities.
They have all the func­tion­al­i­ties of the Basic tar­iff. In addi­tion to that the coun­sel­lors get the pos­si­bil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with exter­nal per­sons. For exam­ple, their own clients/patients, who can be invit­ed direct­ly to the con­sul­ta­tion room via a link. In this case, they can set whether or not they pay before enter­ing the con­sul­ta­tion room. This depends on their appoint­ments. Coun­sel­lors can also post blog entries, which makes them more vis­i­ble in web searches.
This tar­iff is suit­able for coun­sel­lors who want and are able to work with the tool fre­quent­ly. They are no longer bound to the client via The Help­net but can also work flex­i­bly and com­fort­ably with their exist­ing clients/patients.

Which tariffs are available?

For the client:

The reg­is­tra­tion is com­plete­ly free! Clients pay noth­ing to The Help­net. They only pay their coun­sel­lor just before you enter the con­sult­ing room. There are no hid­den costs on our part.

For the counsellors:

There are four tar­iffs. Basic, Basic PLUS Pre­mi­um and Pre­mi­um PLUS.

The Basic tar­iff has no month­ly charges. As a coun­sel­lor you are paid direct­ly by the client. At the end of the month we will send you an invoice for 15% of your income on The Helpnet.
The Basic PLUS has a month­ly fee of 19 € and we send you a sep­a­rate invoice with a 10% fee / consultation.
The Pre­mi­um has a month­ly fee of 149 €.
The Pre­mi­um PLUS rate is deb­it­ed annu­al­ly and you save one month on the Pre­mi­um tariff.


note: All Prices for the coun­sel­lors are excl. VAT. The Prices for the clients are incl. VAT.

What are the advantages of the Basic Tariff?

The Basic Tar­iff is a rate with­out a month­ly fee.
You remain flex­i­ble and pay 15% of your fixed con­sul­ta­tion price only when you have a consultation.
Ide­al as a tri­al tar­iff for new con­sul­tants who are not yet sure how much they will and can work on The Helpnet.

What are the advantages of The Helpnet?

The Help­net offers 24/7 access to spe­cial­ist help. What­ev­er you need, when­ev­er you need it. All con­sul­ta­tions take place in the com­fort of your own home which means you save time by not hav­ing to phys­i­cal­ly trav­el back and forth to a counsellor’s office. Just find a coun­sel­lor able to accom­mo­date your needs and book an online appoint­ment when it works best for you.

All about the Settings

What do I do when I have technical issues?

If you encounter any tech­ni­cal prob­lems, please con­tact us to speak to one of our employ­ees. We will do our best to help you.

Why does my camera not work? I can’t get into the session.

Please, ensure that you grant access to your cam­era to get into the ses­sion. If, how­ev­er, you have grant­ed access and the prob­lem per­sists, please con­tact us to deter­mine the cause of the problem.

Why do I have to enter two passwords?

Dur­ing your reg­is­tra­tion we will ask you for two pass­words in total.

The first pass­word is for your pro­file and with which you will log in to The Helpnet.
The sec­ond pass­word is required when you set up your con­sul­ta­tion room. This is to pro­vide extra secu­ri­ty as you are in an extend­ed secure area at that moment.
The sec­ond pass­word always requires a cap­i­tal let­ter, a num­ber and a spe­cial character.
How­ev­er, you could also use the or a sim­i­lar pass­word as the first one. In this case you could use the same pass­word again and would not have to remem­ber 2 dif­fer­ent pass­words. This is com­plete­ly up to you.

How do I create my profile?

As a con­sul­tant, you can set up your pro­file in the top right-hand cor­ner after you have registered.

In your pro­file you can add your lan­guages, name, pic­ture, videos, diplo­mas, edu­ca­tion, etc. You can also enter your address and thus insert your loca­tion. Also a small text for the pre­sen­ta­tion of your per­son helps.

If you still have dif­fi­cul­ties, you can watch the small video or con­tact us.

I have problems and do not know how to set up the consultation room?

The con­sul­ta­tion room is sep­a­rat­ed for secu­ri­ty rea­sons and is addi­tion­al­ly secured with a password.

If you have any dif­fi­cul­ties, please con­tact us or watch the expla­na­tion video.

All about appointments

Can a client cancel an appointment?

Yes, the client can can­cel an appoint­ment. You can do this too.
The client only pays before enter­ing the wait­ing room before your con­sul­ta­tion. In a case of can­cel­la­tion, you will be informed by email and the client too.

How do the clients book an appointment ?

Clients book a con­sul­ta­tion with you by going to your coun­sel­lor page and book­ing a ses­sion direct­ly. You will receive an appoint­ment con­fir­ma­tion by email and the appoint­ment will be dis­played in your schedule.
Clients can also con­tact you via mes­sage and make sep­a­rate arrange­ments with you, such as a short get-to-know-you con­ver­sa­tion of 5–10 min­utes (equiv­a­lent to a phone call to make an appointment).

What about the consultation payment?

As a coun­sel­lor you are paid short­ly before the con­sul­ta­tion starts. You are free to offer dif­fer­ent types of con­sul­ta­tion, from which the client can choose of, on the coun­sel­lor page. When the client clicks on the type of con­sul­ta­tion he wants, he pre-orders the con­sul­ta­tion and is asked to pay when enter­ing the con­sul­ta­tion room. You get paid direct­ly from the patient to make it as easy as possible.

What about privacy and security ?

Who has access to my consultation, videos, chats, etc.?

Apart from the coun­sel­lor you are con­sult­ing with, no one has access to your con­sul­ta­tion. It is a secured con­nec­tion, and no third par­ty has access to those infor­ma­tions which means that only your coun­sel­lor has access to any infor­ma­tion you share dur­ing the con­sul­ta­tion. All your infor­ma­tion is on our pri­vate serv­er and can­not be accessed by any­one else.

Are the consultations private and encrypted?

Yes, all dis­cus­sions with your patient / client are pri­vate and encrypt­ed. Thanks to a pri­vate and secure com­mu­ni­ca­tion that is released from any “in between” serv­er, after the com­mu­ni­ca­tion is set.

If you should have any fur­ther ques­tions, please con­tact us.