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Magdalena Rukundo Magdalena Rukundo

staatlich anerkannte Sozialarbeiterin (B.A.)

Magdalena Rukundo

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About “Magdalena Rukundo”

About me

Hel­lo, I’m Mag­dale­na Rukun­do, a sys­temic coun­sel­lor and social work­er based in Ger­many. I have a pas­sion for hear­ing peo­ple’s life sto­ries and con­nect­ing with them on a deep lev­el. With a back­ground in Social Work and a focus on diver­si­ty and inter­sec­tion­al­i­ty, I’ve gained insights into dis­crim­i­na­tion and devel­oped sen­si­tiv­i­ty to avoid per­pet­u­at­ing it. I am fas­ci­nat­ed by the sys­temic approach to coun­sel­ing, which offers eye-open­ing per­spec­tives with­out impos­ing rigid notions of how to live.

Through­out my career, I have worked exten­sive­ly in the field of migra­tion, help­ing indi­vid­u­als with lan­guage acqui­si­tion, career devel­op­ment, wel­fare, health, hous­ing, and psy­choso­cial sup­port. Along­side this, I embarked on a three-year train­ing to become a sys­temic coun­sel­lor and ther­a­pist, allow­ing me to offer my ser­vices as a self-employed professional.

I am com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing indi­vid­u­als in their per­son­al growth and assist­ing them in nav­i­gat­ing life’s chal­lenges. By embrac­ing a sys­temic per­spec­tive, I empow­er my clients to gain insights into their social and intrapsy­chic sys­tems, enabling pos­i­tive change. My coun­sel­ing approach is client-cen­tered, empha­siz­ing their exper­tise and unique prob­lem-solv­ing abil­i­ties. I define my suc­cess as a coun­selor based on my clients’ sat­is­fac­tion with the process and outcome.

Offered Services

General Mental Health
quick call € 30,00 / 60 min
Intro call ! (FREE)
quick call


  • Migration Counsellor ( 2025 - 2025 ) Bund der Vertriebenen
  • Social Work with Refugees ( 2025 - Present ) Stadt Bonn


  • Soziale Arbeit (B.A.) ( 2015 - 2018 ) Technische Hochschule Köln
  • Systemische Beratung und Therapie Systemisches Zentrum Wispo AG

“Magdalena Rukundo” Answers

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