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Grigoryeva Daria Grigoryeva Daria

Psychology student

Grigoryeva Daria

Einführungsgespräch (gratis)
Russisch Französisch Englisch
So Heute nicht verfügbar

Über “Grigoryeva Daria”

I’m a psy­chol­o­gy stu­dent in Gene­va University.

Dur­ing 15 min­utes ori­en­ta­tion call i will help you to find your best therapist.

We will accu­rate­ly and briefly dis­cuss your psy­cho­log­i­cal needs, difi­cul­ties and pos­si­bles solu­tions, what means your pref­er­en­cies in ther­a­pist’s approach and personality.


Die von Ihnen angebotenen Fachbereiche

Einführungsgespräch (gratis)
quick call € 0,00 / 15 min


  • Master ( 2020 - 2023 ) Geneva University Psychology faculty
  • stagier ( 2020 - 2022 ) Association Autisme Genève
  • Pedagogical assistant ( 2017 - 2018 ) Recreation center "Russian Gymnasium"
  • Artistic advisor ( 2015 - 2015 ) Gallery Five Centuries, Moscow
  • Curator, archivist ( 2011 - 2012 ) Igor Grabar Center, Center for Restoration and scientific and artistic expertise of Russia, Moscow
  • Artistic advisor ( 2010 - 2011 ) Gallery Schatz'I, Moscow
  • Administrative assistant Schusev National Museum of Architecture, Moscow


  • Bachelor ( 2016 - 2020 ) Geneva University Psychology faculty

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